A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Mini Rollup
Mini Rollup | “Dr. Joseph Marchell started Old Brown Dog Veterinary Partners in 2020. Shortly after, he acquired three family owned practices and used the power of a roll up to get almost three times the purchase price,” shares Sam Thompson, a Minneapolis business broker and the president of M&A firm Transitions In Business. “This episode shows you how to identify a rollup opportunity and explains why they are so valuable in an acquisition.”
In 2020, veterinarian Dr. Joseph Marchell started Old Brown Dog Veterinary Partners (OBDVP) after identifying a unique opportunity to do a rollup of family-owned animal hospitals.
Marchell acquired three practices for around ten times EBITDA. He then implemented a streamlined operational strategy that resulted in the sale of OBDVP less than two years later for almost three times the purchase price. In this episode, you’ll learn how to:
- Identify a rollup opportunity in your industry.
- De-risk your business for an acquirer.
- Implement a professional management team without undermining the old guard.
- Create competitive tension for your company among acquirers.
- Utilize an audacious negotiation tactic to increase your offer.
- Avoid a slimy trick used by some acquirers to get your business for a discount. Mini Rollup