From Start-Up To Exit In Three Years
Peter Shankman started Help A Reporter Out (HARO) to connect experts with journalists who needed people to quote for stories. HARO sent a simple email three times a day to subscribers and because every email had the potential to be a reporter from a media outlet like The New York Times, the email open rates were close to 80%. Most days Shankman worked from his sofa with two employees helping him remotely.
Within three years, Shankman was generating $1.5MM from selling simple text ads on his email blasts. That’s when Shankman’s largest advertiser approached him to buy HARO.
In the episode you’ll learn:
- The remarkable relationship between ADHD and entrepreneurship
- The surprising upside of selling instead of scaling your business
- The truth about who is most likely to buy your business
- The best way to find a strategic buyer for your company