How to Buy Out a Partner Without Losing Your Business

The words buy-out in wooden blocks on top of graphs and charts with stacks of money.

How to Buy Out a Partner Without Losing Your Business

“Frank Shultz co-founded Infinite Blue and eventually bought out his partner after a year long negotiation. In this episode we’ll hear how Frank was able to get the deal done and eventually grow the business to the next level,” shares Sam Thompson, a Minneapolis business broker and the president of M&A firm Transitions In Business.

When Frank Shultz co-founded Infinite Blue, he and his partner split ownership 50/50. The business thrived, but their working relationship soured. Frank wanted to buy out his co-founder, but with a valuation in the eight figures, he faced a daunting question: Where would he get the cash?  

In this episode of Built to Sell Radio, you will discover how to:  

  • Structure a buyout when you don’t have the funds.  
  • Avoid the biggest mistake founders make in 50/50 partnerships.  
  • Handle a lawsuit with a former employer while trying to build a business.  
  • Attract investors while maintaining control of your company.  
  • Negotiate a walkaway deal with no earn-out.  

Frank’s story is a must-listen if you’ve ever considered bringing on a partner—or buying one out.  

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